Sister Circles for 20 Women!
Why did we create the Lightworkers Unite Sister Circles? In one word…Sisterhood.
Mayume n’ Manjeet are Lightworkers, Healers and most importantly Friends. Over the past few years co-hosting our podcast Lightworkers Unite!, we have found power, support, and unconditional love in our sisterhood. That is why we are so excited to share these powerful Sister Circles with you! We also co-created these events because we wanted to create sacred spaces where we could gather and practice our intuition as Lightworkers.
These sessions are progressive as we expand our Lightworker Abilities in order to shine our light in the world. Like our logo, we are each like the shining lightrays of a Disco ball - unique, brilliant and illuminating - and collectively creating a symphony of light, power and joy. You are a Lightworker! Get ready to join us and embrace in our sisterhood and divinity.

March 18:
The Power of Connection
Welcome to the first installment of our Lightworker Unite Sister Circles (AKA LUSCiousness!). In this in-person LUSCious event, we will be focussing on the Power of Connection. Join Mayume n’ Manjeet as they create a sacred place for you to connect with each other and create powerful connections within. We will be gathering in discussion, journaling and a guided meditation. We will also dive into a powerful healing session to align our chakras with energy work and visualization exercises. If you are ready to create more CONNECTION in your life - we would be honored to connect with you at our first gathering of 2023!

June 24:
Manifestation with Sound Energy
Are you ready to manifest greatness in your life? Over the years of collaborating on the Lightworkers Unite Podcast, Mayume n’ Manjeet have sorted some sh*it out around the power of Manifestation! Join us and 20 of your LUSCious sisters as we tune into our deepest desires and generate some strategy on how to manifest greatness in your life! We will be using Sound Energy to help us unblock any subconscious energies getting in our way of the manifestation magic within us and around us! This is one of our favorite topics and we can’t wait to experience the collective energy of MANIFESTATION!

Sep 23:
Liberation through Breathwork
In the third installment of our LUSCious event, we will be exploring LIBERATION energy within us. Where in your body are you ready for liberation and freedom? We will dig deep into our liberation and freedom energy through journaling, discussion and powerful Breathwork. Mayume and Manjeet have had the pleasure of experiencing the power of Breathwork and have found this healing modality eye-opening and--well--liberating spiritually, energetically and physically. We are so excited to bring this healing modality to this LUSCious Event!

Dec 2:
Celebration with Attunement
Mayume and Manjeet love a good celebration with their sisterhood! Join us so that we may reflect on our past year and embrace our intentions for 2024. We will be journaling and connecting with our higher selves in order to release energy that does not serve us anymore. We will also start the process of embracing the energy we want to invite in our lives moving forward. Our intention with this LUSCious event is to guide you in a sacred ceremony designed strategically to help you attune your mind, body and spirit through a powerful guided meditation. We are excited to celebrate you as we end the night with some bubbly, hugs, raffle baskets, door prizes and lots of giggles. Join is in this magical CELEBRATION!
Sound Bath
Who are Mayume n` Manjeet ?
Mayume n' Manjeet are Co-Hosts of the Lightworkers, Unite Podcast and Social Show that discusses fun, magical and enlightening topics surrounding spirituality and everyday life as a Lightworker.... YOU, my friend are also a Lightworker!
These ladies laugh, share and provide great tips, tools, strategies and their personal stories in hopes to invoke, enlighten and activate the Light within You. They have over 15K downloads and have been hosting both in-person and Virtual workshops, gatherings and events to foster sisterhood, creativity and connections with Spirit as well as one another.
Come join them and ignite the Lightworker within you!
If you haven't already, check out their podcast on PODBEAN, APPLE PODCASTS, TUNE-IN...to name few...listed in all other platforms that carry podcasts.

Mayume Carelli
Mayume Carelli
Psychic Spiritual Medium

Manjeet Russell
Manjeet Russell
Intuitive Life Coach
Mayume (May-yoom) is a Spiritual Medium, Intuitive Healer and Creativity Guide who gathers people in fun, safe and sacred spaces to ignite creativity and connections with Spirit. Through her Individual/Group Readings, Meditation Meet-ups, Sacred Circles for Women and Journaling Jam Sessions, Mayume connects with your Angels, Life Guides and Departed Loved Ones for messages of guidance, healing, and love. Mayume only works with love, light and positive energy and sits with the utmost of integrity and authenticity serving the highest good of all involved.....Mayume has been “seeing” Spirit, or what she calls “visitors”, since the age of seven—but it was at the age of 26 when her father was shot and stabbed by a 15-year-old girl that Mayume’s journey with Spirit truly began. It is her desire to gather others in ways that bring healing, peace, and an understanding of our life’s journey. Mayume is also an avid coffee drinker, vodka enthusiast and coconut cream pie lover.
My mission is to help busy women embrace a life of clarity, balance, and purpose and move out of survival-mode and powerfully into “THRIVAL-mode.” This is a place where you are grounded, you know your boundaries, and you relish in exquisite self care. This is the place where we step into our power and live life on purpose.
For more than 20 years I have coached busy women looking for clarity, balance, and purpose. When we are busy, we get consumed with DOING and we often forget about who we are BEING...and what we truly desire in our lives. We lack clarity and are searching for tools for direction. Having someone hold you accountable, reminding you of your badassery is an important way to move forward. And that is what I do for my Infinite Balance Life Coaching Clients.